
Rotting christ kata ton daimona eaytoy blogspotsignin
Rotting christ kata ton daimona eaytoy blogspotsignin

rotting christ kata ton daimona eaytoy blogspotsignin rotting christ kata ton daimona eaytoy blogspotsignin

Exploring the mythical legacy of cultures around the globe let to ROTTING CHRIST’s massively successful latest release, ‘Rituals’. With the highly acclaimed ninth album, ‘Theogonia’ (2007), the Greek stalwarts added an unmistakable native element to their sound, which has remained with them as a signature trademark ever since. At the same time, the band went from underground heroes to headliner status. On the following seven albums covering a ten-year period from ‘Non Serviam’ (1994) to ‘Sanctus Diavolos’ (2004), ROTTING CHRIST steadily defined their own distinct style by experimenting with elements from death, heavy, and gothic metal without betraying their black roots. Starting out on a basis of death and grind, the Greeks had already embarked on a darker musical journey by the time their debut full-length ‘Thy Mighty Contract’ (1993) was revealed. ROTTING CHRIST were founded by Sakis Tolis and his brother Themis in the year 1987. With such a massive catalogue such an undertaking will always lead to controversy about certain additions as well as omissions from the final list, but the involvement of frontman Sakis Tolis in this extremely difficult task ensures that the result is at least relevant. With more than 30 years, 12 studio albums, a dozen EPs, singles and split releases, as well as more than 1.250 shows under their belt, it is about high time to take a retrospective look at this band’s fascinating musical development by picking a select choice of key tracks covering the many facets of ROTTING CHRIST that have sparkled over the years. This demonstration of love from their followers is not just driven by nostalgia as the band has managed to evolve and grow, while staying relevant beyond the classics with their highly acclaimed latest albums such as ‘Aealo’ (2010), ‘Κατά τον δαίμονα εαυτού’ (2013), and ‘Rituals’ (2016). With a steady core line-up and their well-honed live delivery, ROTTING CHRIST are filling concert halls and reap enthusiastic crowd reactions wherever they go. The Greeks have literally stood the test of time. ROTTING CHRIST have reached another peak in their long career that now spans over more than three decades. This double-CD compilation features a best of selection approved by frontman Sakis Tolis as well as the new track “I Will Not Serve” and ‘Their Greatest Spells’ will hit the stores on March 23rd 2018. ROTTING CHRIST are announcing the release of ‘Their Greatest Spells’.

Rotting christ kata ton daimona eaytoy blogspotsignin