thinking about how anno made ritsuko say lesbian rights in the 1990s that makes me so happy.i shit on gendo at every possible opportunity.Ritsuko took another sip of her champagne, and Misato was growing more convinced by the minute that she was a goddess from every mythology and every religion to have ever existed and that ever would exist all wrapped up into one person. Hell, she and Ritsuko weren’t together in any sense of the word, yet she was more than willing to cut off her arms and legs if it meant appeasing the goddess of a woman who she was monumentally lucky enough to be sitting next to. She felt blessed to even be in the same room as her, for her eyes to be graced with the presence of such a perfect specimen of everything human and everything natural. Maybe it came from her sense of inferiority next to everyone and everything, but she really did think of Ritsuko as a divine being, a celestial angel, something more perfect than any of the parables she’d heard in Catechism and at Church.
ĪKA Evangelion but told from Misato’s point of view, in which she and Ristuko end up togetherĪAKA me shamelessly writing more MisaRits content because they are criminally underrated #EVANGELION SHINJI IKARI RAISING PROJECT SERIES#.#EVANGELION SHINJI IKARI RAISING PROJECT ARCHIVE#.